CELI Certificates
This Italian Cultural Institute organize exam sessions for the CELI Italian language proficiency certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia.
CELI are Italian language proficiency certificates aimed at literate adults. These certificates, useful in work and study contexts, certify the skills and abilities in the use of the Italian language and refer to the learning objectives specified within the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and declined by the same in six levels, from A1 to C2.
- CELI Impact – A1 (basic level)
The candidate can understand and use everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at satisfying needs of a concrete situation. The candidate can introduce himself/herself and other people and is able to ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people that knows etc. The candidate can interact in a simple way as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to cooperate.
- CELI 1 – A2 (elementary level)
The candidate can communicate in simple and habitual activities that require a simple exchange of information in familiar and common topics. The candidate can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her life and surroundings; the candidate can express immediate needs.
- CELI 2 – B1 (intermediate level)
The candidate can understand the key points of familiar topics involving school, leisure, etc. The candidate can deal easily in situations that may occur while traveling in the country whose language he/she speaks. The candidate is able to write simple text related to topics that are familiar or of personal interest. The candidate is able to express experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions, and also to briefly explain the reasons for his/her opinions and plans.
- CELI 3 – B2 (upper intermediate level)
The candidate can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both real and abstract topics, as well as technical discussions about his or her field of specialization. The candidate is able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes natural interaction with native speakers effortless. The candidate can produce clear and detailed text on a wide range of topics and is able to explain a point of view on a subject by giving the pros and cons of various options.
- CELI 4 – C1 (Advanced or “self-efficiency” level)
The candidate can understand a wide range of complex and lengthy texts and can recognize their implied meaning. The candidate can express himself/herself fluently and naturally and use Italian language flexibly and effectively for social, professional and academic purposes. The candidate can write clear, well-constructed, detailed texts on complex topics, showing confident control of text structure, connectors and cohesive elements.
- CELI 5 – C2 (Level of language proficiency in complex situations)
The candidate can understand easily everything he or she hears and reads. The candidate can summarize information from a variety of sources both spoken and written, restructuring arguments into a coherent presentation. The candidate can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, identifying subtle shades of meaning in complex situations.
Each year this Italian Cultural Institute in Nairobi holds two CELI exam sessions for all levels.
For more information about the exam sessions: here
For more information on the contents of the exam, please visit the University for Foreigners of Perugia website.